GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

Door Of Hope April 2023 Review

Door Of Hope April 2023 Review

CandiceH 19th May 2023 0 Comments

Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa

At GAP Talent, we believe in giving back through our #GAPGivesBack programme, and we’re proud to support several crucial community-based initiatives in partnership with our Talent Partners (our clients). One such initiative is “Adopt-A-Crib” at the Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in Johannesburg, South Africa, where our sponsored babies and toddlers are being raised with love and care, under extremely trying circumstances.

“We write this message with emotional and grateful hearts. Baby care and childcare homes in South Africa have been under immense pressure due to delays in administrative processes from the Department of Social Development. Thankfully our registration was eventually granted. This was one great hurdle for us. Another hurdle we are facing is for funding to resume. The Department of Social Development in Gauteng recently announced that it is cutting its budget and would not be funding childcare homes. After a few weeks, this decision was publicly rescinded, but we are unsure as to what that means for organisations like ours.” – Door Of Hope Management

Baby Boy B was one of four children who fell ill in April, requiring that he be admitted to hospital. He is now home and is recovering well in the arms of his aunties. The aunty who drove him home from hospital shared that he was initially “very cross” when she went to collect him; staring at her with an angry scowl on his face. The aunty sat with him quietly when they returned to the baby home, and eventually his smile returned. She felt as though she was restored to being one of his favourite people. A special team of vision experts also visited the home in April in order to assess some of the children. We’re glad to report that Baby Boy B achieved a healthy score.

Although a few of the toddlers who should be going to school, have unfortunately been prevented from doing so due to numerous challenges, the children continue to enjoy their lessons at the home. Small groups of four children led by one aunty is working very well, and Baby Girl TM and Baby Girl TT are enjoying the structure of each day. The girls are very keen to learn, and soak in each new activity or lesson like little sponges. When Baby Girl TT finishes her work, she often enjoys playing with her friends, some of whom have disabilities. She is a natural big sister.

Thank you to our Talent Partners for partnering us in support of the Door Of Hope, and in so doing, enabling the Children’s Mission to care for these children, and ensuring the Management and Staff are never overwhelmed by the real hardships they face. You are appreciated.

Until our next update, stay blessed and keep well.

Ian, Tony and the GAP Talent Team