GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

Door Of Hope – October 2022 Review

Door Of Hope – October 2022 Review

CandiceH 14th November 2022 0 Comments

Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa


At GAP Talent, we believe in giving back through our #GAPGivesBack programme and we’re proud to support several crucial community-based initiatives in partnership with our clients. One such initiative is “Adopt-A-Crib” at the Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa where our sponsored babies continue to grow and develop.

Summer has made its way to the home and the children are enjoying every moment. Like many baby care homes, Door Of Hope faces many challenges, but the staff remain upbeat and optimistic, and even the heavy Johannesburg thunderstorms fill all with happiness.

There is much delight for all the children when playing outside in the gardens or when visiting the village playgrounds. The older children thoroughly enjoy exploring the outdoors and the aunties often prepare picnic lunches and water play activities on these days.

Three children who are thriving on this Summer energy are the babies in our sponsored cribs. With stimulation and learning activities, Baby Boy B, Baby Girl TT and Baby Girl TM are learning so much so quickly, and Baby Boy B in particular loves his village excursions and playing on the outdoor equipment.

Baby Girl TT and Baby Girl TM also enjoy the village outings and become so excited when playing with pet dogs in the village. When they return home, Baby Girl TT often has just enough energy to gobble down her dinner before falling quickly asleep.

Baby Girl TM is still very much the “energiser bunny” and when she returns home from the village, she stays up a little later to play with her friends who may still awake.

Orphan Sunday is observed on 13th November and the home has shared that they will be intentionally praying for all the babies to be adopted soon. Until their day of adoption though, we’re grateful to our clients for partnering us in support and care of our babies and facilitating the provision of a safe and nurturing environment in which they are afforded a chance at life.

Until our next update, stay blessed and keep well.
Ian, Tony and the GAP Talent Team