GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

#GAPGivesBack - Door Of Hope June 2023 Review

#GAPGivesBack - Door Of Hope June 2023 Review

Through our #GAPGivesBack programme, we’re proud to support several crucial community-based initiatives in partnership with our Talent Partners (our clients). One such initiative is “Adopt-A-Crib” at the Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa, where our sponsored children continue to grow.

“It is easy to become overwhelmed in life, but the innocence and natural delight our children show, reminds us that seemingly ordinary moments are what is most important. Thank you, GAP Talent and your Partners, for your part in our story.” – Door Of Hope Management

All the children in the Door Of Hope’s care are thoroughly enjoying a wonderful winter. Some celebrated June’s good weather with an outdoor picnic, and others enjoyed playing with new stimulating toys and taking part in group activities. The home where our sponsored babies live has been undergoing renovations, and this has resulted in all children being taken to the Door of Hope Village each day. The children really enjoy being at the Village as they have the opportunity to go on walks and play with the village’s pet Labradors.

Baby Girl TT and Baby Girl TM have been voluntarily helping children who have various disabilities. Baby Girl TT loves playing with her friends especially when spending time in their standing frames. She also enjoys showing them her toys and often “pretend-reads” to them. Baby Girl TM does not always have the same level of patience as Baby Girl TT, but she enjoys activities designed to stimulate gross motor skills. She is thrilled to play on the swings with Baby Boy B and always helps to push his wheelchair around the playground.

Baby Boy B continues to learn all the time. He takes part in many fine motor stimulation activities which are helping to improve his muscle tone. Baby Boy B really enjoys mealtimes and is eating very well, never moaning when having to eat his vegetables. He is growing so well.

Thank you to our Talent Partners for partnering us in support of the Door Of Hope, and in so doing, facilitating the care and development of these children.

Until our next update, stay blessed and keep well.

Ian, Tony and the GAP Talent Team