GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

#GAPGivesBack - Door Of Hope August 2023 Review

Through our #GAPGivesBack programme, we’re proud to support several crucial community-based initiatives in partnership with our Talent Partners (our clients). One such initiative is “Adopt-A-Crib” at the Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa, where our sponsored children continue to grow.

“C.S Lewis wrote: ‘Love is never wasted, for its value does not rest upon reciprocity’. Thank you for your generous act of love to the Door of Hope. Your kindness ensures that we can fulfill our mission to the children placed in our loving care.” – Door Of Hope Management

Spring came earlier to Johannesburg this year with the month of August ending on a much warmer note. The Door Of Hope Children’s Village continues to take shape as more Volunteer teams are taking advantage of the early warmer weather and completing projects on the property. Many also assisted with other projects in the baby homes that will benefit the children and staff for years to come.

We always enjoy hearing stories from the toddler group. One of the babies who has special needs cries often but when she is moved to be with the toddlers, she calms down. Baby Girl TM and Baby Girl TT are so good with this baby. They talk to her gently, and when she falls asleep, they check on her. They are so very precious. Both girls thoroughly enjoy their lessons. Baby Girl TM prefers gross motor activities whilst Baby Girl TT prefers doing work that requires attention to detail.

Baby Boy B sadly is unable to crawl or move independently as yet, so when his friend Baby Boy S wiggles over to him, he really enjoys the physical contact. Baby Boy B’s physiotherapist and the seating specialist who assists in the baby home, are teaching the aunties how to improve Baby Boy B’s physical strength. He has a laid-back personality but likes being with his friends or the aunties.

Thank you to our Talent Partners for partnering us in support of the Door Of Hope. Together, we are making a real impact in the lives of these children.

Until our next update, stay blessed and keep well.
Ian, Tony and the GAP Talent Team