GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

Door Of Hope – September 2022 Review

Door Of Hope – September 2022 Review

CandiceH 7th October 2022 0 Comments

Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa


At GAP Talent, we believe in giving back through our #GAPGivesBack programme and we’re proud to support several crucial community-based initiatives in partnership with our clients. One such initiative is “Adopt-A-Crib” at the Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa where our sponsored babies continue to grow and develop.

Although September welcomed Spring’s warmer weather, it also ushered in the season of allergies which unfortunately left many children and aunties feeling ill. In some sections of the home, a gastric virus also affected the aunties and babies with some requiring extra medical care.

All hope was not lost, however. On 24 September, which was Heritage Day in South Africa, the aunties threw a party for the babies and themselves, dressing in traditional clothing and preparing delicious foods reflecting South Africa’s diverse heritage. Some of the babies were also dressed in similar traditional-styled outfits and the older babies indulged in the tasty new treats.

We’re always so inspired by the fact that no matter the home’s numerous challenges, the staff always choose to look for life’s silver linings.

On a path of continuous discovery, Baby Boy B really enjoys stimulating activities. He is so curious and investigates his toys and odd objects with such intensely and for long periods of time. He is now more confident when holding his bottle and in the past few weeks, has even tried to feed himself with a spoon. While he has experienced significant hindrances in his development, we are encouraged to see his constant learning progress. Baby Boy B is a very special little boy to us.

Our little girls, TT and TM, relish the opportunity of being outdoors in the Spring weather and their favourite days are “water play” days. The aunties fill spray bottles and plastic tubs with water, and the children take part in stimulating activities such as hunting for specific objects in the water tubs. Baby Girl TM enjoys using the spray bottles to completely saturate her friends. Baby Girl TT, who is the more reserved of the two girls, also enjoys this game and delightedly chases her friends with her spray bottle until they are thoroughly wet!

The girls also enjoy walking in the neighbourhood with their friends and aunties. They are currently learning about dogs, plants and trees and are experiencing new sounds of different cars passing by. Baby Girl TM loves imitating the various engine sounds and when home after her walks, Baby Girl TT immediately seeks out her bestie, Baby D, in order to share exciting stories from her adventures.

We’re grateful to our clients for partnering us in support of this most noble of causes; facilitating the provision of a safe and nurturing environment in which abandoned children are given a chance at life.

Until our next update, stay blessed and keep well.

Ian, Tony and the GAP Talent Team