GAP Talent I International Recruitment Specialists

Door Of Hope February 2023 Review

Door Of Hope February 2023 Review

CandiceH 14th March 2023 0 Comments

Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in South Africa

At GAP Talent, we believe in giving back through our #GAPGivesBack programme and we’re proud to support several crucial community-based initiatives in partnership with our clients. One such initiative is “Adopt-A-Crib” at the Door Of Hope Children’s Mission in Johannesburg, South Africa, where our sponsored babies continue to thrive.

The team at Door Of Hope shared with us that February, the month of LOVE, proved to be a time of reflection:

“After all these years of caring for children who don’t have parents, we have not become accustomed to their reality. It is still painful to contemplate what harshness some babies know. Yet, there is a time to rejoice. That time is when we welcome a baby into our home. While we can’t always change the circumstances that bring these precious lives to us, we can make sure they know what LOVE is while they are with us.”

In partnership with our Talent Partners, it’s heart-warming to know that we’re making a real difference by supporting the Door Of Hope; enabling LOVE to be shared with the babies in our cribs… in all the ways that matter.

Little Baby Boy B celebrated Valentine’s Day by participating in a special craft activity. His aunty painted the underneath of his feet with red, child-friendly paint which they then imprinted on paper. He smiled sweetly during this activity. In his photo, Baby Boy B is seen drumming on a home-made drum-like structure created with a tray and cellophane. He loves the sound his drumming makes as he bangs away with socks on his hands.

The girls, Baby Girl TM and Baby Girl TT, also enjoyed a special Valentine’s Day treat. Their aunty cooked delicious waffles, and the children were encouraged to decorate the waffles themselves. Very few of the toppings made it to the waffles though because the children had so much fun eating the blueberries, whipped cream, hundreds and thousands and chocolate syrup!

Baby Girl TM may be a little chef in the making, as you can see in her photo. Unlike Baby Girl TM, Baby Girl TT ate all her toppings before they could make it to her waffle, and this simply delighted her.

We’re immensely grateful to our clients for partnering us in support and care of these children; in helping to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which they develop, grow, and experience LOVE.

Until our next update, stay blessed and keep well.

Ian, Tony and the GAP Talent Team